business and financeBusiness and Finance helps the University via progressive thought and leadership, collaboratively promoting the best interests of the University, influencing cultural change, and being effective stewards of sources by offering high quality providers. Accredited by the Institute of Export and International Trade, this course will provide you with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the core ideas, theories, practices and strategies of worldwide enterprise alongside an intensive grounding in accounting and finance.

Throughout your first year, and in a few of your second and third year modules, you will work alongside college students from other NBS degrees. The course introduces business and finance theory, together with the importance of data analysis, authorized information, advertising, and operations.

A piece placement can enable students to gain invaluable experience and apply their learning in practice. The Master examine programme will furnish college students with the practical utilized knowledge and additional values needed to achieve this area.

6. College students who’ve received an AFBP Grant for completion of either SACE Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics or SACE Stage 2 Mathematical Methods with a B+ or greater should not full this course however undertake knowledgeable improvement elective authorised by their program director within three years of commencement of their program, as outlined in their grant letter of provide.