Requirements for getting a personal loan depend on a lending institution. Still, it would be best to determine a few considerations beforehand, such as income and credit score. Since most financial institutions will check out these factors when reviewing your capabilities, you should improve your score and ensure a stable income.

We recommend you to visit Billig Forbrukslån to understand everything about consumer loans. The main goal is to learn everything about the familiar qualifications you need to meet and the documentation you should provide before visiting a lender.

This knowledge can help you streamline the entire process and improve the qualifying chances. In the further article, we will present the most critical requirements financial institutions will consider when determining whether you can get a personal loan.

1.Credit History and Score

Taking advantage of your credit score is a lending institution’s most important factor when determining your loan application. It would be best if you remembered that scores could range between 300 and 850 and depend on various factors, including the amount of outstanding debt, payment history, length of credit history, and many more.

Numerous lenders will require at least six hundred points to qualify, while the more you have, the better terms and rates you will get, which is vital to remember.


Lenders will also implement minimum income requirements to ensure you can repay the amount you take in monthly installments. Minimum income depends on a lender. For instance, some will impose forty-five thousand dollars per year, while others can go to twenty thousand.

If you are self-employed, you should provide bank deposits and tax returns. Still, lenders may not disclose the minimum income requirements, which is important to remember. Still, you should provide them with proof of your stable income in forms of tax returns, pay stubs, monthly bank statements and signed letters from your employer.

3.Debt-to-Income Ratio

DTI or debt-to-income ratio comes in the form of a percentage and represents the amount you make in the form of income and the monthly debt you must handle. The lenders will use DTI to predict whether you can make on-time payments for a new debt depending on the current ones you take.

That is why your DTI should be thirty-six percent. While some lenders will accept people with high qualifications and ratios, we are talking about exceptions.


Suppose your goal is to apply for a secured personal loan. In that case, a lender will require you to pledge valuable assets to guarantee that you will handle the entire process. In the case of loans for vehicles and homes, the collateral depends on the purpose of the loan.

Still secured personal loans require collateral in cash accounts, valuable assets, real estate, investment accounts, and many more. If you fall behind on payments or default, a lender can repossess your collateral to recoup the expenses.

5.Origination Fee

Although it is not a part of the qualification process, you should know that numerous lenders will require you to pay origination fees. We are talking about the expenses of processing, closing, and running credit checks.

The fees range between one and eight percent of the overall amount you wish to get. At the same time, it depends on factors such as your credit score, loan amount, and other factors that will provide you peace of mind.

Remember that some lenders will collect origination fees after closing, while others can roll them into a loan amount, meaning you will handle them through monthly installments.

Documentation You Need

When you decide to apply for a personal loan, the lender will require a wide array of documents to confirm your identity, employment, and residence, among other things. We wish to present to you the most common copies lenders require as the essential part of the personal loan application.

  • Application – You should remember that a loan application is a formal document lender require you to complete and submit. It is the beginning of the lending process. Remember that each lending institution features a specific application, meaning requirements may vary. Generally, you need to provide basic info, how much you wish to borrow, and the purpose of borrowing. Besides, you can find many online lenders where you can complete the process without leaving your household. On the other hand, others require a discussion either in private or over the phone.
  • Proof of Identity – The next step is to prove your identity by offering at least two government-issued IDs that prove you are a US citizen and at least eighteen years old. The precaution is essential due to identity theft issues. You can use numerous government-issued identifications, including military ID, certificate of citizenship, passport, driver’s license, a state-issued ID, and many more.
  • Income and Employer Verification – A lending institution wants to determine whether you have debts before getting a new one. Therefore, you should show your employment history, current earnings, and other things that will verify your capabilities to repay any amount. The most common form of income verification are paystubs, returns, bank statements, W-2 and 1099 forms, and employer contact information. If you are self-employed, you must rely on income tax returns and 1099 forms.
  • Proof of Address – Apart from confirming your employment, most lenders wish to know that you have a stable living situation. Therefore, you should provide evidence of your address, last utility bills, copy of rental agreement or lease, voter registration card, proof of car, rental, or home insurance, and many more.


We cannot differentiate a single formula that will help you qualify for a personal loan since each person comes with a different and unique financial situation. Still, you should follow the rules mentioned above, which will help you improve your chances of qualifying and getting the best interest rates and terms.

Since lenders will review your credit history, score, DTI ratio, income, and other factors to determine your eligibility, you should meet the minimum requirements for each aspect. Generally, the minimum credit score is 670, while a higher number will increase your chances of getting the best rates possible.

The main idea is to get the favorable terms, meaning you should get a minimum score of 720 points, which is vital to remember.